At July 28, 2019 Indy gave birth to her secon litter. Her pregnancy was a welcome surprise as we didn't expect that there was a succesful mating. Apparently there was a "lucky shot" with baby boy Sandan as a result.
Sandan is named afther the Hittian Lion god. To be a singleton comes with certain advantages. All milk and mama's attention goes to Sandan. He will be spoilt rotten!
Last year Indy gave birth to her 7 Hattian gods within notime. But Sandan took a very long entrance of 16 hours of contractions before he came to this world. It was quite nervebreaking but luckily with a very good result.
Every week we place a new photo of Sandan on this page. When you click on his photo below, you can view the whole serie and follow his development on a weekly basis.
Sandan is a F6 male (6th generation New Foundation) and has an outcross pedigree (top 5 is lower then 50%)
More photo's of Sandan can be viewed on his photoalbum on facebook.
Pedigree Sandan:
Inbreeding: 5,26%
Clones: 21,9%
Top 5: 48,2%
Top 3: 37,1%
Top 2: 26,2%
Both parents are fully tested on HCM echo, PKD echo, HD, PL, FiV, FeLV, SMA, PKdef andHCM-1.
The testresults of Indy can be found at her page.
The testresults of Witchy can be found on the website of cattery van de dudies
Sandan of Macadamia
Gender: Male
Color: MCO n/ Black solid
Status: Lives with his new family
Nickname: Sandan

Explanation status
Available: you can put an option on me or make reservations when you are certain.
In option: someone is interested and has some time to think about reserving me. You can still show your interest as I can become available again soon.
Reserved: I have found my new staff and I can move to my new home when I am old enough
In evaluation: I might got to stay with my mom or at another cattery. You can still show your interest as I can become available again soon.
Stays in the cattery: I got to stay with mom!
Voor more information and updates about this litter, you can check our Facebookpage.

Dad Witchy
Witchy has a delightful supernice temper. He comes from beautiful New Foundation lines and is a F5 male (5th generation of New Foundation). Besides his wonderful pedigree and nice temper does he also have the looks. All in one package!
We are cattery van de Dudies very grateful for making this combination possible.