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One of the main values that our breeding program is focused on, is genetic variation of the Maine Coon breed. We need a wide genetic pool to keep the population of the breed healthy at long term. By mating unrelated cats within the breed the risk of hereditary diseases is smaller. 


Our breeding program is focused at low inbreeding, clones and foundation top 5 cats. Although we started our cattery with low inbreeding traditional lines, we want to continue our program towards outcross. With outcross it might take a bit longer to keep or improve a good typed cat, because the looks of the offspring is much less predictable with low inbreeding unrelated cats. We expect to see lots of variety in our litters. A sign for us, that they have a wide genetic pool and we are on the good path. This is a more difficult path though, since there are not many breeders who share this philosophy, and we need to work together with other breeders to help each other reaching this goal and to keep the breed healthy.


More information about this subject you can read on Pawpeds.


To make sure our breeding cats are of value to not only us but also to the breed, we try to exclude hereditary diseases as much as we can. We follow Pawpeds guidelines and their health programs. All testresults are published on our website, and all results that are related to the healthprogram are published in the international database of Pawpeds. Transparency is very important, especially about the bad results.


Within a litter we look at the standards of the breed to select the cat which has the best type.


We like our cats to have the original Maine Coon look. We don't breed towards extreme traits. The breed is good as it is, and doesn't have to be changed into a different looking cat. Our cats are normal sized Maine Coons. But they are all very expressive, their faces reveal their character.

Character is very important to us. We do our best to give our kittens the best socialization as possible, to create more social, lovely and nutty mini-Macadamia's.


Color/pattern comes last, when everything else (written above) is in place. Our preference goes out to solids, smokes, torties and silver (shaded) tabby (without white).




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Voorburg, The Netherlands


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