​NL* Magical Karishma of Macadamia
​Black Smoke
MCO ns
Karishma is a black tabby with white female. She was born on January 16, 2021 with us in the Cattery (Miracles litter).
Karishma lives up to her name as she is very charismatic. She stands out and is present and she wraps you around your finger before you realise. Karishma has a very good relationship with her mother Chelly and grandmother Neroli. She is a cheerful, very active girl and at the same time very sweet. She has the character that I really like to see in my cats. Very social. What Chelly has too much and Neroli too little, is in balance with Karishma. She is confident, an excellent hunter, naughty but also well mannered. Her character is just amazing and has everything I could wish for!
Karishma was born in our cattery. Her mother is our own Chelly (Chelles of Macadamia) and the father is our stud Becker (Dagdrivarn BoomBoomBecker). She was born from the ultimate love couple! More about this litter can be found on the page of the Miracle litter. Karishma means "miracle (miracle)" in Sanskrit.
Karishma does not carry dilution, but she does carry solid.
Known genes: Aa BB DD ii mcmc oo spsp tt ww
Test results:
This is a summary of Karishma's test results. To view the full results, click the "Test Results" button below.
HCM-1 MyBPC3-1 DNA: N/N via the parents
PKdef DNA: carrier (Langford)
SMA DNA: N/N via the parents
HCM echo: normal (December 21, 2021 by Niek Beijerink)
Fiv: negative (7-2-2022, Idexx Elisa test)
Felv: negative (7-2-2022, Idexx Elisa test)
HD: left and right normal (4-2-2022, evaluated by Elisabeth Ball, PawPeds)
PL: normal both sides (4-2-2022, evaluated by Drs. K.W. Rosenveldt)
Blood group A, genotype N/N (Langford)
Karishma has an estimated genetic diversity of 39% (according to the mycatdna breeder tool), making her a valuable addition to the breed. This also gives a greater chance of healthy kittens with a strong immune system.
Total inbreeding: 3.82%
Clones: 16.7%
Top 5: 38.3%
Top 3: 29.3%
Top 2: 20.6%
Mom Néroli
Néroli is a French lady and a very special girl. Ze is a fully dedicated and relaxt mother. She comes from fully tested lines and has a balanced pedigree with wonderful ancestors.
Dad Imani
Imani is the sweetest guy you can imagine. It is not easy to find such a cool guy. He has a wonderful pedigree and comes from fully tested lines. Imanis is a F4 stud (4th generation New Foundation).
​Pedigree Imani >>
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Kari6 maanden | Karishma10 weken oud |
Karishma7 weken oud |